divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2011


It’s an excellent restaurant. My family and I go to this restaurant when we want to make a familiar dinner because it’s nice. This restaurant opens Monday until Saturday from 10 am – 11pm. It makes pasta, spaghetti, steak, chicken and other dishes, all of them are wonderful. But my favourite is the chicken with potatoes, it’s delicious. More the potatoes are served with the heard, it’s fantastic!!!

dimecres, 26 d’octubre del 2011



-         1+1/3 cup (150 g) all-purpose flour
-         1+½ cup (330 g) sugar
-         4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
-         1 teaspoon baking powder
-         1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-         ¾ cup (170 g) butter
-         3 fl oz (0.9 dl) boiling water
-         3 eggs
-         4 oz (120 g) chocolate chips (40-50% cocoa)
-         5 oz (150 g) chopped walnuts or pecan nuts


-         1/3 cup (75 g) butter
-         8 oz (220 g) sweet or semisweet dark chocolate
-         2 tablespoon light corn syrup
-         2 tablespoon hot espresso or very strong coffee


1.     Preheat oven to 350 deg F (Gas mark 4 or 180 deg C).
2.     Line a 13 x 9 in (33 x 23 cm) cake tin with grease proof or other non-stick paper and grease the tin.
3.     Melt the butter in a saucepan.
4.     In a bowl combine flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder and vanilla extract.
5.     Add eggs, melted butter and hot water and mix until smooth.
6.     Add chocolate chips and nuts.
7.     Bake at 350 degrees F until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean, approximately 20-30 minutes.
8.     Cool the cake. Glace with the chocolate frosting.
9.     For the frosting, mix butter, chopped chocolate, syrup and coffee and heat in a double boiler until melted. Stir until smooth and spread over the cake.


·        Cup: tassa
·        Purpose: propòsit
·        Flour: Farina
·        Tablespoon: Cullera
·        Unsweetened: sense edulcorantes
·        Cocoa powder: polvos de cacao
·        Teaspoon: cullereta
·        Butter: manteca
·        Fl: fluid/Oz: ounces (onzas líquidas)
·        Chopped: tallat a trossos petits
·        Walnuts: anous
·        Sweet: dolç
·        Syrup: jarabe
·        Preheat: precanlentar
·        Grease: grasa
·        Proof: proba
·        Nonstick: sarten
·        Melt: derretir-se
·        Saucepan: cacerola
·        Add: afegir
·        Mix: barrejar
·        Degree: nivell
·        Wooden: de fusta
·        Glace: confitat
·        Boiler: caldera
·        Stir: moure
·        Spread: extendre

dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011


This is a text where I talk about the things that I like and the things that I don’t like in my life. I love skate-roller, I like it because I skate with my friends, we coach together every day, we past good and bad moments (crys, joy, smiles...), I love my friends, and we (trainers, skaters, fathers…) are a big family.
About food, I like macaroni but I don’t like spinach. I also like chocolate; it’s delicious but I eat it in moderation.
I hate two faced people, those that are your friends when they are with you but they talk bad things about you when you are not with them.
I like going out with my friends because it’s funny and fantastic! ;)